Want more leads? We will help! No up front charges.

Want more leads? We will help!
No up front charges.

For new clients, we will:
Study your product.
Bring more leads.
Discuss our terms.

We will maximize your leads using ppc ads
at the lowest cost to you!

Do you need a new effective
Google Ads campaign?
Will do it for you!
Current campaign ineffective?
No problem, we will fix it!
We can increase and scale your
advertising in new directions!

This is how our Google Ads experts work:


We thoroughly study your niche and competitors. We collect all possible search queries by which customers can search for you.


We create a modern selling landing page or edit your website, if you have one.


We create highly effective ads and launch a test advertising campaign. We get the first real leads without significant costs.


If you are satisfied with the first results, we will discuss the terms of cooperation and sign a contract. We will launch a full-fledged advertising campaign adhering to the agreed terms (cost of a lead, number of leads, etc.)


If necessary, we scale the advertising campaign by adding new search queries, products, pages, regions, etc. We constantly analyze the campaign indicators and improve it.

Got questions? We will be happy to
answer them during a free consultation!
Image Let's discuss your project
Our agency Ads specialists will conduct a thorough analysis of your website and PPC campaign.
After detecting problems, we will continuously test and improve your Google paid search campaign. We will also improve your website if necessary.
When PPC marketing brings stable leads, we will scale advertising, and also start testing other advertising channels.
Got questions? We will be happy to
answer them during a free consultation!
Image Let's discuss your project

It is profitable to work with our ppc agency!

The cost of our services is just 10% of your advertising spend

Spending $1,000 on a Google Ads campaign, you will pay us only $100. Working with us, the cost of a lead for you will always decrease and the number of leads will increase!


No extra expenses for advertising that does not bring profit

Showing ads on all sorts of channels at the start of sales only drains the budget. Our strategy is to show ads where the client will search for a product or service himself.


Our ppc agency's results


Sauna construction company

Spent on attracting the first client
Received from first sale
Tom Duskin
owner of “Suomi Sauna”

I have a small business and I thought that working with an agency was very expensive. Your offer is exactly what I needed. I am very satisfied with the results!!!


Law Firm “NYLegal Services”

Leads in the first month of working together
New clients acquired in the first month
Oleg Yasynetskyi
owner of "NY Legal Services"

I needed help to scale my business. Charles convinced me to try working with his team. I agreed and we have been successfully working together for over a year.


Hookah rental service “Blue Mist“

Average cost of lead
Average sales from leads
Eduardo Ramirez
owner of “Blue Mist“

They created a website for me and bypassed the restrictions on displaying ads in my niche. I am very grateful.

Our services

PPC (pay per click) management

  • We create advertising campaigns that attract customers.
  • We minimize the cost of conversions and clicks.
  • We do regular PPC advertising management.

Google Ads help

  • Audit your Google Ads with a specialist.
  • We connect services for tracking conversions (Tag Manager, Google Analytics).
  • We unblock Google accounts.

Lead generation services

  • Creating a sales pipeline to turn potential buyers into regular customers.
  • Developing lead generation strategies for business growth.

SEO optimization service

  • We increase sales from organictraffic.
  • We conduct internal and external website optimization.
  • We write selling SEO texts on anytopic.

Social media marketing

  • Setting up targeted advertising.
  • We create advertising creatives and writetext that increase sales.
  • We promote business pages on Facebook and Instagram.

Web design & Development

  • We increase the number of leads by changing the site.
  • We make sites perform better by redesigning them, or if necessary, we create a new one.

Let's discuss your project!

Got questions? We will be happy to answer them during a free consultation.

Let us know the best way to contact you: Phone or Email.

Thank you!
We'll be in touch soon!


Answers to your questions

Is contextual advertising suitable for my business?
Before starting work, we always conduct an analysis of our clients niche and their competitors. You will understand whether there is a demand for your products or services before you spend even a cent on PPC advertising.
I am just starting to develop my business, will I be able to afford advertising?
Contact us now, you will receive a special offer for new clients. Payment for our services occurs only after a successful launch. This means that we will work on your advertising campaigns without advance payment and we will make a contract only if you get positive results and are satisfied with our work. As for payment, everything is simple here - for our work, our payout is only 10% of the advertising costs, regardless of how much you spend.
What budget do I need to allocate to my advertising campaign?
The budget size depends on your goals, the strength of competition in your niche, and the number of leads you want to receive. For example, the Google Ads for a small business budget can start from $1,000 per month. For larger companies with a high level of competition, the budget can exceed $100,000. We will analyze the market and help determine the optimal budget to achieve the desired leads without unnecessary costs.
When will I see results from ppc advertising services?
Usually, the first leads can be received within a few days after the launch of the advertising campaign. A stable flow of leads will take from 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, our Google Ads specialists will improve your advertising campaigns to achieve the optimal price per click.
How often will you monitor my pay per click ads?
Your business is our priority! We will monitor your campaigns every day to avoid wasting your advertising budget on displaying ads to non-target audiences.
How long should our contract be?
As long as you want! We will create a flexible contract that does not oblige you to long-term cooperation with us. However, if you have very large-scale goals that cannot be achieved in 3 months of work, we will definitely warn you about the need for longer cooperation.

Our certificates